Thursday 3 March 2011

Wrongful Death cases are complex and mysterious. Wrongful Death and a Survival Action are separate actions in Maryland—and they have distinct remedies. In a Wrongful Death action, the damages are described in terms of the harm to others from the loss of the victim. There are equitable plaintiffs under the Wrongful Death Statute, who may recover damages due to the death of the injured party. Maryland meets many accidents on regular basis on his roadways. There are many types of accident occur in the city like personal accident, car accident, auto accident, motorcycle accident etc and one of them is Wrongful Death. In this case the actual reason does not detect and happen mostly due to the negligence committed by the third party. It requires an experience and knowledgeable Maryland wrongful death lawyer. We help to make the party accountable for such death and arrange the possible compensation for the injured person.

We at the Otway Russo law firm are experienced in solving these types of cases. We provide all support regarding the accident and lead the case in the court and fully try to get the right justice for you and ensure that every decision will be on your behalf.

You should choose Otway Russo because personal injury attorney gives personal attention in your case and will do all possible things in order to get justice which you deserve to get. Our Maryland wrongful death attorney has the highest professional competence and adherence to the highest ethical standards.

Medical malpractice:
We understand what it means when a loved one places their trust in a medical provider only to have that trust silenced by a serious medical malpractice mistake. Medical Malpractice is extremely technical, medically intensive, high stakes legal action. Many times cases are in the millions of dollars and malpractice insurance companies will do whatever they can to avoid having to take responsibility to pay the claim of an injured victim. Maryland wrongful death lawyer take into consideration all the factors to help the decedent’s family.

    • The death of a human being;Caused by another's carelessness, or with intent to cause harm.
  • The survival of family members who are suffering monetary injury as a result of the death.

Maryland wrongful death lawyer handle cases where someone is killed, whether the person who caused the death meant to do it or not. If a loved one dies because of someone else's actions, a wrongful death lawyer can help you understand what happened, who is responsible, whether you deserve any compensation for losing your loved one, and whether anyone should be charged with a crime. Our Attorney at Otway Russo will check all possible means so as to get justice both economically as well as non economically.

Maryland wrongful death lawyer has been handing terrible injury cases since 2 decades. We represent victims of disastrous injuries and their survivors in settlement negotiations and in Litigation at every level of the state and federal court system. Our personal injury attorney uses a unique team approach to manage tragic Injury cases. This is critically important because these cases are multi-faceted, extremely complex, and require a team of lawyers with different training, experience and skill sets to address every aspect of the case. Our greatest satisfaction is being able to use our knowledge and skills to help people when they need it most. We work hard to exceed your expectations. Our objective is the same in every case: to obtain the BEST result for our client. AND WE DO! Our Attorney at Otway Russo has represented literally thousands of accident victims and obtained exceptional results in a wide variety of serious and shattering cases.


  1. Thanks for this post!
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  2. Nice Post. Many times we have seen that some one is responsible for death and does not get any sentence of punishment just because lawyer did not represented the case in well manner as expected to be. So before hiring any Lawyer for our case we must check experience and expertise of lawyer.
    wrongful death Attorneys chicago

  3. Really you need a highly reputable and well known lawyer for a personal injury case like what I had last year when I had an injury and look for miami personal injury attorney

  4. Wrongful death should be penalize and carelessness is another word for cruelty
    Tampa auto accident attorney
